Student Well Being
Student Well-Being
In Pioneer Primary School, ‘Students are our Gems’. We adopt the Self-Determination Theory (Edward Deci and Richard Ryanto, 1985) as a broad framework in creating purposeful experiences that promote positive psychological health and well-being in students. Through the provision of a rich diversity of learning experiences, students develop learning dispositions and social and emotional competencies that will enable them to become self-directed and resilient individuals who will lead self and others with confidence.
Our Approach
Creating a Caring and Enabling Environment
The cornerstone in our provision for student well-being is the creation of a conducive learning environment that caters to students’ growth and development in the physical, social, affective and cognitive domains. Leveraging the environment as “third teacher”, we emphasise the significance of the materials, space and mood of the classroom and overall school environment that enable our students to feel safe, respected and accepted.
Key messages of the Growth Mindset by Professor Carol Dweck are imbued in students through daily school experiences. We want them to believe that intelligence can be developed through dedication, hard work, collaboration and/or strategy. They are praised for their effort or strategy used in tackling challenges, thereby linking effort with success. Under the care and guidance of teachers, students learn to perceive challenges and mistakes as opportunities to improve their learning and abilities, leading to the development of a resilient mindset and passion for learning.
Building Positive Relationships
-Teacher-Student Relationships
Positive relationships are the basis for effective learning to take place. We invest time and effort to build quality teacher-student relationships in and out of the classrooms. Through 1-1 CHATS and Form Teacher (FT) interaction time with the students, teachers get to know the students better. Teachers learn about their personalities, interests and strengths. With this knowledge, teachers help students grow, while looking after their well-being and enhancing their self-worth.
-Peer Support Relationships
Other than teachers, it is key that students are equipped with relationship management skills to effectively handle peer relationships. Such skills are explicitly taught during FTGP lessons and further reinforced through application during CCA training, House activities and other student programmes. Students who possess essential traits and leadership qualities are given opportunities to take up the role of Peer Support Leaders.
Our Key Programmes
Many Helping Hands
When students feel a sense of autonomy and empowerment, and are equipped with the essential skills and competencies to succeed, they will be more motivated to take actions towards achieving their dreams and aspirations. Such intrinsic motivation is further strengthened when they develop meaningful relationships and interactions with others in a nurturing and supportive learning environment.
We work with internal stakeholders and external partners to provide customised support and after-school engagement to strengthen social and emotional competencies and social skills of students who require additional support. The overall programme design adopts the Head-Heart-Hands model with specific focus areas:
In addition to programmes, students are also provided with a circle of supportive friends and teachers who will act as peer leaders and mentors.
Peer Support Programme
A positive culture of care leads to positive outcomes in students. Hence, through our peer support programme, we hope to sustain a supportive and caring culture for students, by students.
All students have a class buddy whose role is to help their friend in school and motivate their friends to have a growth and resilient mindset. FTGP and the Pioneer Care Programme provide platforms to enhance peer support relations and promote a positive caring culture through explicit teaching and peer bonding activities.
Our Primary 5 students are selected by their peers to be peer supporters. These peer supporters will take on a more active role in looking out for their peers and help their peers in seeking support.
With a strong social support network, students are surrounded by protective factors. Peer support leaders will be alert to changes in their friends’ behaviour and recognize common signs of distress. They will then be able to help their friends by referring them to a trusted adult in school such as our teachers and school counsellors.
The UPLIFT Programme allows us to reach out to both students and their caregivers with the help of community partners. Student needs and their families are matched to suitable community programmes or assistance.
GRIT Programme
As part of Tier 2 intervention support, GRIT Programme is designed to equip students with social emotional learning competencies and motivation. Students will undergo a 16-week intensive programme with a strong focus on Environmental Education and Science concepts which are applicable to the real-world context. The key objectives for this programme are:
- Create a safe and inclusive environment for students to share their challenges through circle time facilitation
- Provide tools and mentoring support for students to acquire the ability of self-awareness
- Provide students an opportunity to acquire relevant social & soft skills to build on their competencies level for self-management through the planned activity
- Enable students to see beyond self and develop empathy towards peers and the community
- Ground students in values and take ownership of their responsible decision